Connecting the Gulf of St.Lawrence with the Gulf of Maine by bike, foot and canoe. Another human powered multisport adventure.
We were a damn good expedition team, having pulled off 4 X 30 + day trips together. This one was to explore closer to home as she is from Maine to see more of the state she was raised in.
Broken down like this: (Osa the dog came for the whole trip)
1. Bike - Campbellton, N.B.- Mt. Carlton, NB = 145km
2. Hike Mt. Carleton - Highest point in the Maritimes
3. Bike Mt. Carlton - Katahdin- 500km
4. Hike Katahdin
5. Paddle the length of the Penobscot river from Baxter State Park to Bucksport - 400km
The day we were supposed to start, a hurricane hit Nova Scotia derailing our initial plans. But flexibility in the mind is one of the most important aspects of expedition style tripping.
Travelling far and wide has its appeal but often our backyards have all the treasures in the world worth seeking and experiencing.